Team Blog Settings

Add New Members#

Here is how to add new members to your team blog.

  1. Visit your blog and click on the ⚙️ emoji at the top-right corner of the page to access your dashboard.

Hashnode Blog

  1. Scroll and click on the MEMBERS tab.

Hashnode Dashboard

  1. Enter the Hashnode username of the user you want to add in the field provided, select a role (Contributor or Admin).

Hashnode's Dashboard

  1. Click on the Add button to save the changes.

Remove Members#

Here is how to remove a member from your team blog.

  1. Visit your blog and click on the ⚙️ emoji at the top-right corner of the page to access your dashboard.

Hashnode Blog

  1. Scroll and click on the MEMBERS tab.

Hashnode Dashboard

  1. Select the user from the list displayed and click on the Remove button.

Hashnode Dashboard

  1. Click the OK button in the popup prompt to authorize this action.

Hashnode Dashboard

Manage Submissions#

Here is how to approve, edit, and delete article submissions in your team blog.

  1. Visit your blog and click on the ⚙️ emoji at the top-right corner of the page to access your dashboard.

Hashnode Blog

  1. Scroll and click on the SUBMISSIONS tab.

Hashnode Dashboard

  1. Select the article from the list displayed and click on the Approve button to approve the submission, Edit to edit before publishing, and Reject to reject the submission.

Hashnode Dashboard